Lectors & Communion Assistants



Many thanks to you for sharing your gifts in helping lead worship at Family of God!


Lectors are scheduled one month ahead. The website and Messenger show the names assigned, scheduled from the church office. Lectors usually serve every few weeks. They are also scheduled as the second Communion assistant every few weeks. Let us know your preferences, such as 9:00 or 10:30 service, if you wish to serve more or less frequently, times coming up when you won’t be available.


A copy of the lessons is mailed to you the week ahead, as a reminder and so you can practice reading the texts. On Sunday morning, come early enough to look through the bulletin and look at the large lectionary book to make sure it’s at the right page.

There’s an attached, adjustable step stored in the pulpit which can be lowered into place depending on people’s height. For Biblical names, see the Lector’s Pronunciation Guide sheet in the pulpit.


Distributing the Communion wine is part of your role, unless you decline, for a physical or other reason, which is fine. Come forward when the ushers bring the offering plates and stand behind the pastor. Those distributing will be served first, by the pastor, with wine from the common cup, unless you ask for an individual glass.


For distributing the sacrament to the congregation, lectors and second assistant pass the trays of wine glasses (containing a few white grape juice to give as requested), saying, “The blood of Christ, shed for you.” Communicants take their own glass rather than having it handed to them.


When you have a conflict for a Sunday you’re scheduled, please let Amy M. or Pastor Erin know,  including when you’re trading days with someone. Feel free to leave a phone message or email admin@fogchurch.org. Their contact information is in the Family of God directory and you can always get an updated copy of that from the church office. Again, thank you.


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